Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bush's EPA Warns Humans That Warming Is A Major Threat

After a July 4th thunderstorm, the hazy moisture is rising. We're in for one heck of a muggy day.

I would love to be a fly on the wall in the current Bush's EPA administration. Talk about fireworks. It appears the EPA is so at odds about what and when they want to say something, that they trip over themselves.

But someone in there must have the guts to persevere because the EPA came out with a very strong warning. Finally the EPA is warning that the weather, as we know it, is going to change, get hotter and cause a lot of problems. The EPA used daring words like "substantial" and "is likely" in the warning. I wonder how much arguing went into the words alone. They didn't go in that dangerous territory of saying why the weather is warming, but they got their message across that it is getting hotter, and perhaps we humans can do something about it.

Dance, dance, dance.

But I'll take it. Even though the EPA said to wait until after Bush's term to get some action done (I wonder why) kudos for them coming out with this warning. And it isn't pretty.

The poor EPA seems to be trying as hard as they can to get heads out of the sand. At least they are making headlines and apparently not giving up. Gosh, I wonder just how bad it really is?

1 comment:

Crafty Green Poet said...

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